Small town in the hills
Small town in the hills

We have a quote for you from Steven Blome, your GEICO agent.

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Meet Steven Blome, your local GEICO insurance agent in Roseville, MN!

Learn about Steven's experience prior to becoming a local GEICO insurance agent:

  • Over 24 years of relevant experience

  • Local agent in the Twin Cities for over 5 years

As a local agent in your community, Steven has been involved in:

  • Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce

In addition to being your local agent, Steven enjoys:

  • Playing soccer
  • Traveling
  • Exploring local areas

As your local agent, Steven has earned the following credentials and awards:

  • 2015 Corporate Quality Award Recipient for the development and implementation of GEICO's Claims Self Service Strategy
  • 2012 GEICO Chairman's Club as a sales supervisor
  • 2009 Corporate Quality Award as a team member for ASNAP
  • Associate of Professional Insurance (API)
  • Associate of Risk Management (ARM)
  • Associate of Insurance Services (AIS)
  • Associate in Insurance (AINS)

As your local agent, Steven is licensed to serve you in:

  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
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